my encek pangeran asked me "why blooming?" and my answer would be "because it's synonym to blossom and mekar" #giggling# i wanna be a person who would fit into any situation thou kelam or suram juga sinar pelangi bahagia ♥♥ i remains blooming and blossom.And black just AWESOME!!

04 July 2010

bye2 kitty

a tribute to my kitty...u r still small,adorable,cute white fur n sparkling blue eyes yet sadly u left in da early age...sob3 it's shocking when i discovered dat u r not breathing anymore..u left ur 4siblings into 3..n part yg cdey i've got none of ur pic T.T

haaa pnt nk wat ayt pnjg2...k kesahnya gni bby cat ni thempap bku rjukn tebal2...well they still small mna tahan kna hempap bku tebal..bjalan pn tketar2 lg aq tgk so nk wat cmna ajal maut tgn tuhan...bserah ja..mga kitty yg comel ni rest in peace bwh pokok jambu tepi pgr umah..bye2 kitty

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